Meet Donald Ross
The Creator of the "FeelGolf" Teaching Method
The first thing you should know about me is that I am still as passionate about golf today as when I turned professional at the beginning of the 1960’s. I can’t help it, it’s in my blood.
In that time I have personally taught over 100,000 players of all abilities, in various languages from all corners of the globe. Perhaps what drives me is my disliking of the way that golf is taught to most to be an unnatural process, a contrived set of mechanical instructions used by profiteers to extort your cash.
I believe that Golf is a sport to played naturally relying on ‘feel & touch’ and not with robotic rigid movements. Golf should be a pain-free, extension of each individual’s expression and that’s the way I teach it.

FeelGolf Clinic Everyday
Join the Donald Ross FeelGolf School on the Driving Range at A NEW VENUE TBA. WATCH THIS SPACE
Every Monday @ 10 am
Tuesday and Thursday @ 8:30 am
Wednesday and Friday @ 2:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday @ 9 am
Times and prices are subject to change.
Ask for details
Enjoy our FeelGolf Clinic and derive the benefits of our "FeelGolf" Teaching method.
Learn and improve with the 5 steps!
Group Therapy
Limited to 10 persons
Feel It & Believe It
Clinics are Open to all visitors to aruba.
ALL Are Welcome,from beginners to tour pros.
Visual Collection
"I have taught my ways to over 100,000 golfers worldwide on a ‘one-to-one’ basis, and many thousands more in group sessions for society and corporate clients. I have been invited to teach at golfing seminars and exhibitions across the globe.

Donald Ross FeelGolf School
The Truth
If you are tired of every one telling you what you’re doing wrong with your swing, practicing and practicing and still not reducing your handicap.
Come and get the answers from professionals who have been there, done that, and have more than 80 years of experience between them in European Tour, National Tours and Ladies European Tour playing.
Teaching, all levels of players from complete beginners though all handicap levels to and including Tournament players also Lecturing, Public Exhibition and Show teaching Group therapy and Corporate day entertaining.
We specialize in Quality not Quantity of classes and guarantee that with our help YOU WILL REDUCE YOUR HANDICAP.
We have numerous learning programs to help you both individual and groups.
Our office is in The Learning Center.
Drop in and improve or contact us by using the button below.

Donald Ross Spotlight
Take 3 lessons with us and We guarantee to put you on the path to reduce your handicap by a minimum of 25%
Improvement Guaranteed
Feel It & Believe It
Latest News
Great day filming for Randy Tantlinger"s Golfing Around.
Check out his video
Any project involving Don is well worth a visit. I knew him years ago and he turned me from good amateur to Challenge Tour player. I couldn't rate him highly enough.
Anthony Sheaff PGA member.
I took my first lesson with Donald and I was a 17 handicap. After working with him only once my handicap dropped to a 12 in just a few months. I have never seen a pro simplify the game more then this one.Every golfer needs a feel golf lesson; it’s life changing
Andy Blair USA